Become a dive-industry Professional
Have you ever thought going one step further? Become a professional and see a whole new world of opportunities arise

PADI Divemaster
🕑 ~1 week ✅ Age 18+ 🎓 Professional-level
Looking for the first step in working with scuba as a career? Your adventure into the professional levels of recreational scuba diving begins with the PADI Divemaster program. Working closely with a PADI Instructor, in this program you expand your dive knowledge and hone your skills to the professional level.
PADI Instructor (OWSI)
🕑 ~2 week ✅ Age 18+ 🎓 Professional-level
Step into quite an exclusive club, becoming a mentor! Building up on your Divemaster, you will learn and accomplish the highest level of tasks and learning skills on your way to being an Open Water Scuba Instructor.
We offer regular Instructor Development Courses for you, please contact us for further details!
Divemaster Internship Program
Divemaster Internship Program:
Looking for making a career in scuba diving? With our Divemaster Internship you learn to scuba dive and become a professional PADI Divemaster within 3 - 4 months.
Once qualified as a Divemaster, you can assist scuba instructors with student training, conduct fun dives for certified divers and assist with the day to day operation of a functional dive center.
This is the first internationally recognized professional level on the PADI ladder and can be used as a passport to work in most countries in the world.
Get in touch with us for your application!

(+351) 291 239 579 (Chamada p/ rede Nac. Fixa)
(+351) 917 736 396 (Chamada p/ rede Nac. Móvel)
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RNAAT no. 1109/2017